Mama...ready to make YOU a priority again?

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Ready to reclaim your physical and mental health?

I’ve got you, my friend. I AM YO


And I can help you change your life and make this second chapter of your life the BEST one yet.

My journey to become a health and life coach started at a low point in my midlife. I was navigating personal struggles, hormone changes, anxiety and grief, all while trying to be the best mom I could be.  I used mindless eating and drinking to escape and cope with these emotions. This eventually caught up with me, as my weight increased and my physical and mental health decreased.

I KNEW something had to change.

But I felt so frustrated, overwhelmed and stuck that I didn’t know where to start. 

My lifetime dieting experience told me I needed to either track points, count macros, weigh my food or hire a personal trainer. But clearly none of this had worked for me, long term. So instead of investing yet again in the billion dollar diet industry, I doubled down and decided to invest in ME.

I enrolled in the Health Coach Institute, researching and studying physical, mental and emotional health and wellness. And it CHANGED MY LIFE. 

Now my passion is to help others TRANSFORM their lives.

From a former anxious, stressed and depleted midlife mama and “good girl”, I am here to tell you that YOU CAN...

  • Wake up every morning, full of energy and confidence, knowing you have choices

  • Learn how to architect your days so that you “fill your cup” before you fill others

  • Redefine your identity as a mother, to include your desires, passions and aspirations

  • Discover what areas of your life need to be nourished

  • Get crystal clear on your values to design the ideal vision for the next, best version of YOU

  • Make small changes to your daily habits that will compound into huge results

  • Reclaim and commit to your health & wellness - even on days when you don’t feel motivated

  • Shift your mindset to find gratitude and peace no matter what life brings your way

Let’s chat to discover how I can help you achieve all of this!

Health & Life Coach Certified by:

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“It was quite an adventure and one that I found not as difficult as I thought it would be!So many food choices that I would not normally have chosen but truthfully enjoyed and found to be better for my health. My goal was ultimately to lose weight, which I have, and I am determined to continue! Jeannine is so wonderful at what she does and is passionate about sharing her knowledge. I want to say that my 14 day journey was well worth it! Thank you Jeannine!!”

-Elaine D., 14 Day Reset Program